
Digital Marketing Transparency - Don't be Misled by False Promises

Written by GSM | 1/8/18 6:13 PM

Every business today, regardless of industry, relies on leads and new business to thrive. However, we find that some auto dealers fall prey to marketing partners that dazzle them with promises of sky-high performance metrics. Metrics are inflated for a wow-factor, leaving companies stuck in a contract without seeing the promised outcome. 

We find that some dealers are focused on finding new ways to stand out from the competition and unknowingly give in to slick agency pitches filled with misleading promises about tripling leads. What dealers need from a marketing partner is transparency, consultation, and actionable advice. If you find yourself facing a ‘too good to be true’ pitch - ask direct questions about how the company quantifies their data. What does the provider consider a lead? Can you see a breakdown of the data behind the metrics? Seek answers because not all leads are created equal. 

Debunk the junk: Fact or fiction?
You need a marketing partner, not just a provider. The process of driving leads is a priority for dealerships big and small. When it comes to leads, the expression “quality over quantity” could not ring more true. What does your digital marketing company or website provider count as a lead – a visit to the hours and directions page? There’s a chance your provider counts this page visit as a lead, backing it as customer intent to visit the dealership – however, the problem is that this is not a true lead. That web visitor may never step foot in your dealership or purchase anything from you either. 

A true lead should be tangible - a form submission, a phone call, or contact information (email, phone number). These customers are ready to buy, and more importantly, they are ready to buy from you. GSM focuses on quality of web leads over quantity. Any marketer can drive hundreds, even thousands, of leads to a website – but, that doesn’t mean those leads will convert to a sale or have high purchase intent. Driving quality leads is about being efficient in targeting and attracting consumers that are closer to purchase, to your website. 

Question everything - Uncover the truth. There’s marketing, and then there’s automotive marketing. Your marketing partner(s) need to be industry experts – people who understand your needs as well as how the industry works. GSM associates are industry experts with years of experience, specifically in the automotive business. When partnering, it is important to assess the background of the people who will be handling your marketing, and more importantly handling your money. The automotive industry is highly competitive and very different from any other industry – this is why choosing a transparent marketing partner can make or break your marketing efforts. 

An expert marketing partner is one who is transparent and provides actionable advice. You should leave every meeting with a clear understanding of where your metrics are coming from, how your ad spend is being used and contributing to those metrics, as well as a course of action for improving your performance outside of what your marketing company is already providing you. 

Action items:

  1. Question your marketing partner:
    What is the background of the specific individuals handling your marketing?
    How does the company qualify a web lead or a phone lead?
    Ask for actionable feedback to help your marketing performance (a process or steps).
    Ask if you can see your performance metrics – specifically a month to month breakdown.

    2. Use a unique phone number to track marketing-related conversions: – now you will know exactly how many leads or conversions are directly related to your marketing efforts.

    3. Contact GSM for consultation, actionable feedback, a transparent breakdown of your metrics, or to partner!