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4 min read

The value of targeting Hispanic auto consumers

10/2/20 10:38 AM

Hispanic audiences are a critical demographic to target quite simply because this audience is the fastest-growing segment of the American population. Targeting this population of auto shoppers represents a massive source of untapped revenue for many dealerships.

Why target a Hispanic audience?


  • Business prominence: Hispanic population and labor force growth are setting the pace to be the next demographic phenomenon, with Hispanics accounting for over half of the U.S. population growth from 2016 to 2020 and up to 80% by 2040–20457. Hispanics are the youngest major racial or ethnic group in the United States, accounting for 21% of all US Millennials.8
  • Technology adopters and adapters: Hispanics and their multicultural counterparts are at the forefront of technology adoption, at the center of the media universe with social media/apps/mobile video usage, digital music consumption, radio listening, TV viewing, gaming, and web activities all revolving around them.9
  • Online shoppers and Researchers: 82% of US Hispanics agree the internet is a great way to gather information on products and services they’re considering purchasing, and 78% agree it is a great way to buy products.10 What’s more, 60% of US Hispanics were born or grew up in the internet age.11
  • Smartphone Reliant: A smartphone is a key connector, as U.S. Hispanics over-index the U.S. total population by 9% for smartphone ownership, and 99% of U.S. Hispanic households have a wireless-phone service.12
  • Brand Loyal: 80% of Hispanics agree that when they find a brand they like; they stick with it.13

Marketing to a Hispanic audience not only broadens your reach significantly, but it can grow both your sales and service revenue at the same time. Using digital advertising, your dealership can target Hispanic auto consumers by device, via display, retargeting, social media, and create Spanish-based PPC campaigns.

How GSM can help you reach Hispanic auto shoppers and consumers across Paid Search:

  • Creating a “triple targeting structure” for each campaign to Target Hispanic auto consumers across English and Spanish browsers and languages:
    1. Spanish keyword(s) and a Spanish browser: reach consumers with their browser language search set to Spanish who are searching keywords in Spanish.
    2. Spanish keyword(s) and an English browser: Reach consumers with their browser language set to English who are searching keywords in Spanish.
    3. English keyword(s) and a Spanish browser: Reach consumers with their browser language set to Spanish who are searching keywords in English.
  • Increase your reach further: Include a location, year, and purchase intent keyword without including a specific model (including a specific model will decrease your message reach).
  • Be relatable: Conversational ad copy and messaging that includes colloquialisms (slang or informal wording) make ads more natural and less of a word-for-word translation. It’s important your ad content resonates with native speakers.
  • Find high purchase intent auto shoppers: Include Make, Model, with location, year, or purchase intent keyword
  • Reach specific vehicle categories: Target Truck, SUV, Sedan, and vehicles modified with your specific OEM
  • Use Paid Search ad extensions: Include Sitelink Extensions, Location Extensions, a negative keyword list, Structured Snippets, Callout Extensions, and the ability to rotate ads to serve the highest performing ad most frequently. (Learn everything you need to know about Paid Search ad extensions HERE)
  • Include Google In-Market Audiences to expand reach to Hispanic consumers who are actively searching for a new vehicle or vehicle service.
  • Bid on competing OEM’s branded keywords: Without other OEMs targeting Hispanic audiences, your dealership can take position 1 and be the first search result a consumer sees when searching your OEM’s branded terms.
In the example below, notice how Spanish Toyota searches beat out Honda for position 1 because Honda is not targeting Hispanic audiences or bidding on Hispanic automotive keywords:

If you’re not targeting Hispanic auto shoppers, you’re already falling behind. This tech-savvy segment researches, purchases, and browses online for their auto needs. See what incorporating Spanish PPC campaigns does for your dealership's sales and service growth.

To learn more about Hispanic service and sales targeting, reach out to GSM at

1,3-4; How dealers can reach the underserved Hispanic Market
2,5-6 ThinkwithGoogle; How to connect with digital Hispanics online
7, 9-13 Nielsen, 2018: The online lives of Latinx Consumers
8 Pew Research Center

Written by GSM

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